The number 97 (or any Prime number) is prime because it has no integral divisors aside from 1 and itself. The number 1 will go into 97 exactly 97 times, and 97 will go into 97 exactly 1 time. Other than that, there are no counting numbers (integers or whole numbers) that will divide into it and give a whole number dividend.
97 is prime.
97 is a prime number.
9409 is not prime. 9409 = 97 * 97
prime number just before 97 = 89
97 is a prime number. 98 and 99 are not.
97 is a prime number. Thus its prime factorisation is itself: 97. (1 is NOT a prime number.)
97 is a prime number.
97 is prime.
97 is a prime number.
The prime factors of 97 are 1 and 97. Thus, 97 is a prime number.
The Factors Of 97 Is Only 1 And 97, Which Makes It A Prime Number.
97 is a prime number.
97 is prime.
97 is a prime and so has no proper factors.
9409 is not prime. 9409 = 97 * 97
The prime factorization of 97 is 97 itself, as it is a prime number and cannot be divided evenly by any other numbers. Therefore, there is no prime factorization tree for the number 97.
Prime. Take a near square root of your number; round it off to the next higher value, you will get a number say X. Check whether X divdes your number finitely, if yes then that number is composite else prime.