xlImproved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals it is CMXCIXBut during the Roman era it probably was written out simply as IM (1000-1)
I think it is IXIXIX. I checked the Internet and that what I got but hey it might be wrong.Improved Answer:-In accordance with today's rules governing the Roman numerals 999 converted into Roman numerals works out as CMXCIX.But during the Roman era the Romans themselves would have calculated the equivalent of 999 on an abacus counting device as DCCCCLXXXXVIIII and probably simplified it to IM (-1+1000 = 999) in written form.
IM represents 999 in Roman numerals (-1+1000).
xlImproved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals it is CMXCIXBut during the Roman era it probably was written out simply as IM (1000-1)
I think it is IXIXIX. I checked the Internet and that what I got but hey it might be wrong.Improved Answer:-In accordance with today's rules governing the Roman numerals 999 converted into Roman numerals works out as CMXCIX.But during the Roman era the Romans themselves would have calculated the equivalent of 999 on an abacus counting device as DCCCCLXXXXVIIII and probably simplified it to IM (-1+1000 = 999) in written form.
IM represents 999 in Roman numerals (-1+1000).
The number is 99 trillion 999 billion 999 million 999 thousand 999
Notwithstanding todays modern conversion of 999 into Roman numerals which is now considered to be CMXCIX inasmuch that the ancient Romans would have probably added together the equivalent of 777 and 999 in either of the following formats:- Abridged format: DCCLXXVII+IM = MDCCLXXVI => 777+(1000-1) = 1776 Elongated format: DCCLXXVII+DCCCCLXXXXVIIII = MDCCLXXVI => 777+999 = 1776 QED
Cmxcix + dclxvi = mdclxvImproved answer in detail:-999 in Roman numerals: CM+XC+IX = IM666 in Roman numerals: DC+LX+VI = DCLXVI999+666 = IM+DCLXVI = MDCLXVNote that the Romans would have probably total up CM+XC+IX in the following manner:-CM+XC = XMXM+IX = IMMAnd that they would have probably total up DC+LX+VI in the following manner:-DC+LX = DCLXDCLX+VI = DCLXVITherefore it follows that:- IM+DCLXVI = MDCLXV (1665)Roman numerals:- M+1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1
The Roman numeral IM means -1+1000 = 999
999 is IM Roman numerals = 1000-1
In Roman numerals the number 77 is written as LXXVII.
IM in Roman numerals represents 999 (-1+1000).