LCM is used to find the lowest common denominator in fractions HCF is used to reduce fractions to their simplest terms
hcf is 1 and LCM is 35
HCF is 48 and LCM is 576
hcf = 42, lcm = 84.
The HCF is: 2The LCM is: 2,520
For the division of quantities
LCM is used to find the lowest common denominator in fractions HCF is used to reduce fractions to their simplest terms
If you are a teacher who works with 27 pupils and 18 pupils and
GCF is 60, LCM is 900
LCM is 20 and the hcf is 10
HCF = 3... LCM = 18 !
HCF is 60 and the LCM is 360
hcf is 1 and LCM is 35
HCF is 48 and LCM is 576
hcf = 42, lcm = 84.
The HCF is: 2The LCM is: 2,520
The HCF is always a factor of the LCM of two numbers. The HCF is a factor of both the numbers which are factors of their LCM. Thus the HCF is also a factor of the LCM of the two numbers.