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they both represent yummy candy. bar graph represents a hersheys bar while circle graph represents a reeses peanut butter cup.

mmm i love this turkey sandwitch its so delicous

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Q: How is a bar graph and a circle graph the same?
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Can you display data from a circle graph on to a bar graph?

Yes you can. First, determine the percentage of the whole is represented by each slice of your circle (or pie) chart. Then make a bar for each slice that is the same percentage of the height of you bar graph. If you graph represents absolute number out of a total, the same principle applies.

How is a circle graph different from a bar graph?

because its a circular graph?

What are the five different types of graphs?

bar graph line graph circle graph double bar graph and something else

What is better usage a circle graph or a bar graph for displaying scores?

A bar graph, it shows a more accurate score.

Kinds of graphs?

Circle Graph Bar Graph Line Graph Histogram Picture Graph

How is a circle graph and bar graph alike?

they both show data

What is difference between a bar graph circle graph and line graph and when would you use them?

I'm in sixth grade and I use circle graphs in social studies and bar and line graphs in science

How are elements usually displayed in a line graph circle graph or a bar graph or a table graph?

Table Graph

What are non verbal material?

Graphs,Tables,circle graph, horizontal bar graph, vertical bar graph,picto graph and pie graph.........thats all

What information can you determine from a bar graph that you cannot determine from a circle graph?


What is one way that a bar graph is similar than a circle graph?

A circle graph shows the different parts of a whole quantity.-Akira

How do you represent somthing with graph?

It depends on what you are graphing. You may need a line graph. A bar graph. I circle graph.