they both represent yummy candy. bar graph represents a hersheys bar while circle graph represents a reeses peanut butter cup.
mmm i love this turkey sandwitch its so delicous
Circle Graph Bar Graph Line Graph Histogram Picture Graph
A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle
Circle graphs show data in a circle, while line graphs are akin to join the dots, and a bar graph shows data in vertical or horizontal bars, but all three show the same data results.
Either a bar graph or circle graph. A lot of other graphs would work such as pictographs, but those two serve the purpose well.
bar graph circle graph scatter plot box and whisker stem and leaf plot ven diagram. Line graph
Yes you can. First, determine the percentage of the whole is represented by each slice of your circle (or pie) chart. Then make a bar for each slice that is the same percentage of the height of you bar graph. If you graph represents absolute number out of a total, the same principle applies.
because its a circular graph?
bar graph line graph circle graph double bar graph and something else
A bar graph, it shows a more accurate score.
Circle Graph Bar Graph Line Graph Histogram Picture Graph
they both show data
I'm in sixth grade and I use circle graphs in social studies and bar and line graphs in science
Table Graph
Graphs,Tables,circle graph, horizontal bar graph, vertical bar graph,picto graph and pie graph.........thats all
A circle graph shows the different parts of a whole quantity.-Akira
It depends on what you are graphing. You may need a line graph. A bar graph. I circle graph.