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a cylinder has 2 round sides like a circle and the side is round.

a bowl has a opening on top and is round.

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Q: How is a bowl different from a cylinder?
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Can the diameter of the two bases of a cylinder be different?

Of course not . . . if they were different, the "cylinder" would be a truncated cone.

How is a cylinder different from a rectangular prism?

A cylinder is different because it is has no edges and a rectangular prism does. A cylinder has two faces and a rectangular prism has 6. A cylinder doesn't have any verticies and a rectangular prism has 8.

Will a 125cc cylinder fit on a 110cc engine?

No, the 125cc and 110cc have completely different cylinder pro fitters, so they are different.

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No, they are different.

Is every cylinder a cone?

A cylinder and a cone are 2 different things, so no.

How is a cylinder and a prism alike and different?

Alike: Both Cylinder and Prism have the same corresponding Top and Bottom. This is the definition. A Cylinder can be considered as a prism with infinite no. of sides. Different: The side walls of any Prism are flat but that of a cylinder is curved.

How tall does a dust bowl get?

the dust bowl sand was at different hights at different points.Also the sand was no able to be measured in some areas of the land.

What are the two different units scientist use to measure volume?

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How is a cylinder and circle different?

a circle is a 2D shape while a cylinder is 3D shape

A cylinder and a sphere are different?

Yes, because a cylinder has lines and a sphere is round. Yes a cylinder has a circle but it does has lines also. But a circle has no vertexes. And a cylinder has a vertexes.

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How is the cube and cylinder alike different?

they are both 3D but different shapes