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It depends on the things that you purchase and the money coming in. This will vary everyday for the business.

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Q: How is a calculation of net worth different from a day-to-day or month-to-month tallying of expenses?
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Are fixed expenses include in net income?

Net profit is calculated by taking in calculation all expenses incurred by the firm in the fiscal year. So it includes all fixed expenses as well as variable expenses to calculate net profit.

Where are selling and administrative expenses found on the multiple-step income statement?

Selling and administration expenses are found under income statement after gross profit section and for the calculation of net profit

How are variable expenses different from fixed expenses?

Variable expenses are those expenses which vary according to production level while fixed expenses are those expenses which have no effect of production level and remain same.

What other examples of permanent differences in a tax calculation can there be?

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Calculating Your Gas Bill?

There are many beneficial reasons to do a gas bill calculation when seeking to save expenses on monthly bills. First off, a gas bill calculation can help one to see where he or she stands financially, so that one can create a budget system. By calculating a monthly bill for gas expenses, a person can try to estimate what a limit should be for a gas bill. Setting limits helps a person to stay within a budget, rather than exceed the budget. Another good reason to do a gas bill calculation is so that a person can try to see places where he or she can cut gas expenses. A person may be able to use less gas in a day, so that he or she can truly save a good amount of money in gas expenses. Maybe a person does not have to do laundry as often, in order to save money on using a gas-powered dryer. This is a great way to reduce the expenses associated with a gas bill. Overall, doing a gas bill calculation has many benefits.

Can you deduct commuting expenses on tax return?

Only if you work in two different locations. You can deduct the expenses of getting between the locations, but not the expenses of getting to and from home.

What are the different types of selling expenses?

it is the FIXED and VARIABLE it is the FIXED and VARIABLE expenses only not selling expenses.JOKE.this is a GUESS.haha

What is the prime cost of an item which has material cost of 9 labor cost of 4 direct expenses of 3 and factory overhead of 2?

Prime cost is defined as the total of materials and labor that goes into making a finished/completed product. Material = 9 Labor = 4 9 + 4 = 13. Overhead is considered a conversion cost, so not included in the calculation. Direct expenses are not well explained, so not included in calculation.

Does household income include unrelated roommates?

No, household income typically refers to the total earnings of individuals living together as a family unit or sharing expenses in a household. Unrelated roommates would not usually be included in this calculation unless they are contributing substantially to shared expenses in the household.

Is wages payable is an example of an expense?

Well, yes ...but, there are different kinds of expenses: operational expenses, such as a payroll are not the same as, say, capital expenses, such as buying a large piece of equipment. Capital expenses are writable (taken off taxes) while many operational expenses are not (marketing and advertising expenses, for example, are).-InThree21 (B.A. Business; maybe an MBA could have a better answer!)

How does the contribution margin income statement differ from the income statement used in financial reporting?

Income statement in financial reporting is different in this sense that in that income statement all expenses and incomes are shown as incomes and expenses and there is no classification of fixed expenses or variable expense while in contribution margin income statement expenses are shown in this way that separate the fixed expenses from variable portion of expenses.

What services does collegeboard offer to students?

There are a few different services to students, most of which involve helping student with expenses of college life. They help with living expenses, tuition, books and other common expenses for student if they are accepted.