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Q: How is a mirco scope used in your every day life?
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Is possible to declare a variable in a method and declare it a main?

The same identifier (variable name) may be used for at most one variable in each scope. Each method has its own scope, in addition to the global scope which is accessible from all others. However, each scope would have a different variable than every other scope despite using the same name for it.

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Mostly it is not used every day.

What scope was used on the Remington 700?

Any scope that you choose to use can be used on your remington model 700.

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you breath it

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It small mirco granules of silica and glass attached to a still paper base used as an abrasive in the building trade - Sandpaper is the same

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Scope rings are used in mounting scopes on guns and rifles. Scope rings can be purchased from several retailers as well as on several online websites.

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SandStone is used to build buildings.

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Adhesives are used everywhere in every facet of today's life.

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A long hollow tube was first used as a scope.

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Is hydrogen used in every day life?

yes! Hi!