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A rhombus is one special kind of parallelogram. Everything about it screams "parallelogram",

except that all of its sides are the same length.

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Q: How is a rhombus and a parellelogram alike?
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Rhombus is a parellelogram yes or no why or why not?


What is the name of a parellelogram that is both a rectangle and a rhombus?

A square.

Can a rhombus be a parellelogram if so why?

Not only can a rhombus be a parallelogram, it must be one. A rhombus is a quadrilateral which has two pairs of parallel lines. That makes it a parallelogram.

Is a rhombus always a parellelogram?

yes, a rhombus is always a parallelogram because the sides across from each other will be parallel.

How man lines of symmetry does a parellelogram have?

Normally none unless it's in the shape of a rhombus which has 2 lines of symmetry.

What is a parellelogram with four congruent sides?

A parallelogram with equal sides is a rhombus. If the interior angles are right angles, it's a square.

What figure is 2 dimensional with two pairs of parallel sides has no right angles and all sides are the same length?

A rhombus. More information... The no right angles is throwing me, but I will add this comment: A square A four-sided polygon having equal-length sides meeting at right angles. The sum of the angles of a square is 360 degrees. A Parellelogram is a four-sided polygon with two pairs of parallel sides. The sum of the angles of a parallelogram is 360 degrees. A Rhombus is a four-sided polygon having all four sides of equal length. The sum of the angles of a rhombus is 360 degrees. So, a Square is actually a Parellelogram and Rhombus as well; and it has 4 right angles. So... I am not sure that Parellelogram and Rhombus are what you were looking for,

What are some ways a rhombus and trapezoid is alike and not alike?

They are both quadrilaterals. All the sides of a rhombus are of the same length. This is not true of a trapezium.

Is the diagonals of a parellelogram perpendicular?

That is true for some parallelograms but not all. For example, the diagonals of a rhombus, kite or square are perpendicular, but those of a rectangle or general parallelogram are not.

Is a square the only four sided shape?

No, there are many four sided shapes. The Square is one of them. Others include rectangle,trapezoid, parellelogram, and rhombus

How is a quadrilateral and a rhombus alike?

They both have four sides.

How are rhombus and squares alike?

they are both quadrilatterals