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Both are 4 equal sided quadrilaterals

Both have 2 pairs of opposite parallel sides

Both have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

Both have 2 diagonals that meet at right angles

They are different in that a square has 4 equal angles whereas a rhombus doesn't

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Q: How is a square similar to a rhombus and how are they different?
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If a rhombus is similar to a square is the rhombus a square?

yes. Any rhombus whose angles match those of a square is a square.

How is a rhombus similar to a square?

All four of the sides of a rhombus, whether it's a square or not, have the same length. However, any rhombus that's not a square doesn't have four equal angles.

What shape is a rhombus?

A Rhombus is a square tilted to form a diamond shape

Is rhombus different than square?

Yes, a square is a rhombus, but a rhombus is not a square. Yes, a rhombus has four sides of equal length. A square is a rhombus with four right angles.

Can you give me a sentence for rhombus?

A rhombus is a quadrilateral shape and is similar to the shape of a square.

How would you say a rhombus and a square are different?

a square is straight and a rhombus is tilted

How is a rhombus different than a square?

A rhombus has no right angles

How is rhombus similar to square?

4 sides, similarities.

How is a Rhombus and a square similar?

A square is a special case of a Rhombus, where all four angles are equal to 90

How are a rhombus similar to a parallelogram?

Rhombus is to parallelogram as square is to rectangle. I hope this simple analogy helps

What are the different names of rhombus?

A rhombus may be a square or just a rhombus (a rhombus is merely called a rhombus when there are no 90 degree angles).

A quadilateral with opposite sides parallel and congruent?

Square Square, rectangle (opposite sides are congruent and parralel), rhombus (similar to square but different angles although opposite angles are the same)