You need to have extremely good skills in your mathmatic because you have to know where to cut or where not to cut.....everything you do consists of math and science.
Algebra is related to medical technology because you can't do medical technology as much if you don't know Algebra. Because Algebra makes it easier.
A brain surgeon works 2 hours per day unless they have to do surgery
Algebra and Geometry are not related to each other directly, however in higher levels of math (Trigonometry and Calculus) you will use both very frequently
It is Arithmetica, by Diophantus of Alexandria, who is generally considered the father of algebra, that may be the first writing on algebra. But there is a bit of debate over who the father of algebra is. Use the link below to the related question.
9,000 per month
A brain surgeon Is a doctor that specializes in knowing about and operating on the brain.
A brain surgeon in a year is a rate of brain surgeons to time.
A brain surgeon.
Basically a brain surgeon...
Yes there are brain surgeon jobs that come in Ireland.
niether be a toe surgeon
Neuro Surgeon
A Brain surgeon makes 10, 000 a month
what majors will i take in college to become a brain surgeon?
A Neurovascular Surgeon
A brain surgeon.
The technical name for a brain surgeon is a neurosurgeon - the medicine regarding the brain is called neurology.