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An algebraic expression includes one or more variables (x, y, a, b) that can have more than one value, especially with regard to each other when there are two or more.

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Q: How is an algebraic expression different from a numeric expression?
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What is another word for algebraic expression?

Alpha-numeric .

What is the difference btwn a numberical expression and an algebraic expression?

An algebraic expression contains one or more letters that stand for [numeric] variables.

What is the differnece between a numerical expression and a algebraic question?

An algebraic expression will normally include one or more variables that is represented by a letter or some non-numeric symbol.

How is an algebraic expression different form an algebraic equation?

An algebraic equation contains an equality sign whereas an algebraic expression has no equality sign

How can you have different values in algebraic expressions?

When the value of a variable in an algebraic expression changes, the value of the expression can change.

What are the different classification of algebraic expression according to the number of term?

classifacation of algebraic expression according to the number of terms

What is algebraic phrase?

Algebraic phrase is a mathematical expression which substitutes characters and letters for a certain numeric value. For example a=b+c, if b=2 and c=3, then a=5.

What is the antonym of algebraic expression?

There is no official antonym for algebraic expression. The only thing that is the opposite of an algebraic expression is something that is not an algebraic expression.

What are the steps of algebraic expressions?

An algebraic expression is a collection of different terms that does not include an equality sign

Differentiate of polynomial and algebraic expression?

A polynomial is always going to be an algebraic expression, but an algebraic expression doesn't always have to be a polynomial. In another polynomial is a subset of algebraic expression.

How can i Differentiate between an algebraic expression and polynomial?

A polynomial is always going to be an algebraic expression, but an algebraic expression doesn't always have to be a polynomial. An algebraic expression is an expression with a variable in it, and a polynomial is an expression with multiple terms with variables in it.

Is 12z-18 a numerical expression or a algebraic expression?

It is an algebraic expression