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Q: How is cultural convergence positive or negative?
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Which is one of the negative effects of cultural convergence?

The growth of a common world culture could cause the decline of cultural diversity.

What are positive and negative effects on cultural interaction?

not sure about positive but negative is wars, racism,vandillism

What is the difference between cultural divergance and cultural convergence?

With cultural convergence, cultures are coming together. With cultural divergence cultures are kept separate. Celebrating Cinco De Mayo in the United States is an example of cultural convergence. The Day of the Dead Celebration in Mexico is an example of cultural divergence.

Definition of cultural convergence?

Cultural convergence refers to a movement towards a global cultural unity. It aims to lessen the tensions between groups from different cultural backgrounds.

Distinguish between cultural convergence and cultural divergence?

cultural convergence is when it is all about what happens in the culture, b ut culture divergence is when the culture has different cultural parts. :)

What is one of the negative effects of cultural convergence?

The growth of a common world culture could cause the decline of cultural diversity. study island cheaters. (: that's okay, i am too.

Does cultural interaction have a more positive or negative affect?

negative because all the natives died

Which of the following terms means the process by which two or more cultures become more similar?

Cultural convergence

What are the positive and negative effects of tourism on culture?

Positive effects of tourism on culture include cultural exchange, preservation of traditions, and economic opportunities. However, negative effects can include cultural appropriation, loss of authenticity, and over-commercialization of cultural practices.

Mountains in china positive and negative effect?

it can be positive because it can protect China from constant invasion but it is also negative because it restricts cultural diffusion.

Do you think That cultural diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?

it has a negative effect cause all things are negative no matter what this is a life answer trust me

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Cultural diffusion