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In the case of constant speed: distance = speed x time.


Total distance = Average speed * Total Time

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Q: How is distance and time related to the speed of an object?
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Related questions

How are speed and distance directly related?

Speed and distance are directly related: the greater the speed at which an object travels, the greater the distance it will cover in a certain amount of time. This relationship can be described by the formula distance = speed x time.

How speed distance and time of a moving object related to each other?

In the case of constant speed: distance = speed x time For variable speed: speed = ds/dt, where "s" is the object's position.

How are time and distance related?

Time and distance are related through the concept of speed, which is the measure of how quickly an object travels a certain distance over a specific period of time. The formula for speed is Distance = Speed × Time, which shows that the distance covered is directly proportional to the speed at which an object moves and the time taken to reach that distance.

Is Speed time over distance?

Speed is a measure of how quickly an object is moving. Time is a measure of how long it takes for an object to travel a certain distance. Distance is the amount of space between two points. Speed, time, and distance are related by the formula speed = distance/time.

How are time and distance related for an object moving at a constant speed?

Time and distance are directly proportional for an object moving at a constant speed. This means that the longer the time taken to travel, the greater the distance covered, and vice versa. The relationship can be expressed using the formula: Distance = Speed x Time.

How do you find objects speed?

The speed of an object can be found by dividing the distance travelled by the object by the time taken for the object to travel that distance. Speed=Distance/Time

How do you find the speed of an object?

To find the speed of an object, you can calculate it by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. The formula for speed is Speed = Distance/Time.

What is necessary to determine the speed of an object?

To determine the speed of an object, you need to know the distance the object travels and the time it takes to travel that distance. By dividing the distance by the time, you can calculate the speed of the object.

How is speed related to time and distance?

Speed, distance and time are related to each other because, speed is directly comparable to distance when time is constant.

How do you find the speed of an object falling with distance and time?

Speed = distance / time.

What two factors determine the speed of an object?

The speed of an object is determined by both the distance it travels and the time it takes to travel that distance. By dividing distance by time, you can calculate the speed of an object.

What are the three measure related to the study of motion?

distance, speed, and time