Five and two hundred three ten-thousandths written in standard form is: 5.0203 × 100
In "Scientific Notation" or "Standard Form" it is correctly written: 502.309 In Written From it is correctly written: Five hundred two and three hundred thousandths * * * * * No! In standard or scientific form it is 5.02309*10^2
The standard form of twenty-five hundred-thousandths (0.00025) is 2.5 × 10-4
Seven and three thousand five hundred forty-five ten thousandths in standard form is 7.3545
Five and two hundred three ten-thousandths written in standard form is: 5.0203 × 100
five hundred three thousandths = 0.503 five hundred three thousands = 503,000
To write eight and five hundred three thousandths in standard form, you first convert the mixed number to a decimal. Eight and five hundred three thousandths is 8.503. Then, you express this decimal in standard form by multiplying it by an appropriate power of 10. In this case, 8.503 can be written in standard form as 8.503 x 10^0.
In "Scientific Notation" or "Standard Form" it is correctly written: 502.309 In Written From it is correctly written: Five hundred two and three hundred thousandths * * * * * No! In standard or scientific form it is 5.02309*10^2
The standard form of twenty-five hundred-thousandths (0.00025) is 2.5 × 10-4