

How is frequency expressed?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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15y ago

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Frequency can be applied to any kind of motion that is repetitive. It answers the question; "how frequent does the cycle repeat itself?" Then it is expressed by counting how often the motion repeats in a certain amount of time and dividing that count by the time. For example if 12 complete waves (or cycles) pass a point in 6 seconds then the frequency is 12/6 = 2 cycles/sec. The unit of 1 cycle/sec is called a Hertz so the frequency would also be expressed as 2 Hertz or 2 Hz.

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Which property is expressed in units of hertz?

Frequency is the property expressed in units of hertz. It represents the number of cycles of a periodic waveform that occur in one second.

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a measure of the degree of frequency modulation expressed numerically for a pure tone modulation as the ratio of the frequency deviation to the frequency of the modulating signal.

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The frequency of sound measures how many cycles of vibration occur per second, and it is expressed in Hertz (Hz). The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the sound.

How does the amplitude and frequency affect wavelength?

The amplitude of a wave does not affect its wavelength as wavelength is determined by the speed of the wave and its frequency. Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional; as frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is expressed mathematically as wavelength = speed of the wave / frequency.

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What is a difference between frequency and angular frequency?

Frequency is a metric for expressing the rate of oscillation in a wave. For planar and longitudinal waves, this often expressed in oscillations-per-second or Hz. Angular frequency used for expressing rates of rotation, similar to revolutions-per-second, and is usually expressed in radians-per-second. It can be thought of as a wave with a constant amplitude where the amplitude rotates in a circle in space. The two differ by factor of 2*Pi. Omega (angular frequency) = 2*Pi*f(frequency in Hz)

What is alle frequency?

There seems to be a spelling error in your query. If you are referring to "allele frequency," it is a measure of the relative frequency of an allele within a population's gene pool. It is expressed as a proportion or percentage of all alleles at a particular genetic locus.