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Geometry (Greek γεωμετρία; geo = gaia or earth, metria = measure) is a part of mathematics concerned with questions of size, shape, and relative position of figures and with properties of space. Geometry is one of the oldest sciences. Initially a body of practical knowledge concerning lengths, areas, and volumes, in the third century B.C., geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment - Euclidean geometry - set a standard for many centuries to follow. The field of astronomy, especially mapping the positions of the stars and planets on the celestial sphere, served as an important source of geometric problems during the next one and a half millennia. However, the real problem with geometry is that these shapes we speak about are not, in reality "geo" or of earth, but rather in our minds as mental gymnastics. That is why calculus was developed in an attempt to measure the curvatures that elude geometric forms' more linear factors. Essentially, the circle is considered classically as a geometric form and perhaps should be. But the problem remains that albeit a circle would be more relevant to physical life as of it curvature, the problem remains of its measured exactitude. Since we have pi radius squared as the area of circle, we find that "pi" is a fraction and therefore, not exact. Classical math tries to Dodge this question regarding the inexactness of a circle claiming equations exist to measure it exactly, but even the Fibonacci sequence is a fraction at 1.625 (some argue 1.618, but do the math of the square root of 5 minus 1 divided by 2). Therefore, the exacting factor means nothing and we must move on from there. It is similar to Einstein's claim to fame because his deflection of light theory was .83 of second arch more than Newton's at .87 second. Who cares about these exiguous degrees when 2/3 of the world is starving? We spend 200 million dollars on the restoration of the Parthenon in the past thirty years equating an obvious misprioritization when our neighbors starve to death. How sad.

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Q: How is geometry more then just shapes and theorems?
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Related questions

How is geometry more than just shapes?

At a basic level, it is just shapes. In 10th grade math, it is used to find angles and side lengths of shapes. It's also used to classify shapes.

What do you learn about geometry?

you learn about shapes angles meusured angles congrunt shapes and more!

What is the geometry center?

it is a dot that connects to make more shapes

How many shapes are in geometry?

At least 3 sides and many more

Is linear algebra the same as geometry?

No, geometry is more depth into algebra, with formulas and shapes. That's why algebra is a prerequisite

What grade level learns geometry?

Starting from around 3rd-4th grade, you start to learn really basic geometry. But around 8th or 9th grade, you actually start to learn more advanced geometry that uses theorems and postulates and proofs.

What are some problems using a drawing program and not a compass and straight egde?

You might not understand angles and shapes as well with a drawing program, even though it requires a little bit more effort with a compass and straightedge. You would just create shapes without understanding how they were made or what the postulates and theorems and stuff mean. To sum it up, each have their own problems and advantages, but using a compass and a straightedge lets you see deeper into the way shapes and angles work :) ugh I hate using a compass and straightedge in geometry lol :)>

Is algebra1 or geometry harder?

I consider geometry harder because it deals more with geometric shapes incorporated with numbers. You also need to take algebra 1 before you take geometry

How can you learn the most about geometry?

You can learn more of it by putting geometry in your daily life. Relating it with you own thing, where can you see geometric shapes right now?

What is algebra and geometry-?

Geometry is more of a visual subject. Geometry involves anything that has to do with shapes. It is the study of angles, shapes, length of their sides, proofs, triangles and formulas. Algebra involves a lot more arithmetic. basically have to solve for the variables, a letter that stands for an unknown number. There will be variables in inequalities, polynomials, square roots, radicals.

Does geometry fall under the category of math science or both?

Geometry falls under math algebra mostly falls under both because geometry is more shapes and vocab than anything else. hope this helped:)

What is the function of geometry?

Geometry is the study of the properties and relationships of magnitudes (lines - shapes - objects) in space. Its function is to allow us to more fully understand the physical world around us.