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The molecular geometry can be determined by various spectroscopic methods and diffraction methods.

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Q: How is geometry or molecules determined?
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Do all bent molecules have the same geometry?

No they do not.

What is the role of geometry in chemistry?

All chemical compounds have a geometrical structure; the study of molecules geometry is called stereochemistry.

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If halogen atoms replaced hydrogen atoms in the molecules would the geometry of the molecules change?

Ya yo

Which molecule has a tetrahedral molecular geometry?

There are many, but the most common is methane (CH4).

What determine the electron group geometry of a molecule?

the thing that determines it is the type of molecules that are in the substance

Why is circle important in geometry?

Because it contains all the geometrical features applicable to geometry from the properties of a triangle and other polygons to the mystery of pi which has never been finally determined.

What is the difference between forming and generating?

In generating, the geometry of the workpart is determined by the feed trajectory of the cutting tool. On the other hand in forming, the shape of the part is created by the geometry of the cutting tool.

The geometry of a hydrogen bromide molecule is?

Molecules that have only one bonded pair are always linear

Suggest how scientists might have determined the fate of these molecules?

Scientists may have used methods such as mass spectrometry to trace the pathways and transformations of the molecules. By labeling molecules with stable isotopes and tracking them in a biological system, scientists can determine their fate and metabolic processes. Additionally, techniques like nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can provide insights into the chemical transformations occurring in the molecules.