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Egypt is considered to be one of first places on Earth, together with Incas and Maya cities, where in historic times geometry was extensively used. Before Egypt there was Babylon and some other places. Pithagorus, the father of geometry, gained large part of his knowlege in egypt.

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Q: How is geometry related to ancient Egypt?
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Where did geometry originate and why there?

Geometry was used in ancient Egypt for building the great pyramids, however the ancient Greeks were the ones who actually began to study it in detail.

What are the remarkable achievements in ancient Egypt?

the achievements were: the pyramids, boats, early geometry, and their hieroglyphics's.

How did the ancient Eygptians use geometry?

Geometry was used in ancient Egypt to build the great pyramids and to find boundary lines on land flooded when the Nile River periodically overflowed its banks.

Why did geometry originate in ancient Egypt?

in ancient egypt, pharoes were placed in great pyramids, which served as a tumb. these pyramids were magnifacent, and there were no mistakes made on them. the archatects eventually learned geometry to have the right proportions for the pyramids, and other mathimatical needs. also, they learned some in science.

Who invented geometry?

It evolved in 3000 bc in mesopotamia and egypt Euclid invented the geometry text in Ancient Greece. His methods are still used today. It is generally attributed to Euclid, a Greek mathematician. In fact, basic geometry is called even today "Euclidian geometry".

Did ancient India and Egypt have the same language?

No. Ancient India had about a thousand languages, and none of them were related to Ancient Egyptian.

When did geometry originate?

Geometry was originated in 300 B.C. in Egypt.

Where was geometry founded?


Did Thales bring geometry from Greece to Egypt?

no, from egypt to greece

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How did the ancient Babylonians use geometry?

The ancient Babylonians used geometry to map agricultural land.

How did ancient use geometry?

A great example of how ancient Egyptians used geometry is in the building of pyramids.