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Much of the sun's heat is in infra red. The earth would be a frozen block if it were not for IR.

More trivially, most tv remote controls work on infra red frequencies.

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Q: How is infrared used in everyday life?
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How is infrared radiation is used in everyday life?

Infrared radiation is used in everyday life in various ways, such as in remote controls for electronic devices like TVs, in night vision goggles for military and law enforcement, and in thermal imaging cameras for detecting heat leaks in buildings or monitoring body temperature in medical settings.

What are the uses of infra-red in everyday life?

Infrared is used in everyday life for a variety of purposes, including remote controls for electronics, thermal imaging cameras for monitoring temperature, infrared sensors for security systems, and infrared saunas for relaxation and health benefits. Additionally, it is used in medical applications such as infrared therapy for pain relief and in cooking appliances for faster and more even cooking.

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Infrared rays are used in television remote controls

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