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it keep you organize and can show the increase and decrease

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Q: How is is helpful to organize data in a table or a graph?
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Are graph's the only way to organize data?

No, they are not. You can also organize data in a table or chart as well as a graph.

How might a scientist organize in order to analyze them?

They organize the data in a table or a graph.

What might a scientist use to organize data?

A table, chart, or graph.

How do you interpret the data from a graph?

***MAYBBEE*** A data table helps you organize the information you collect in an experiment. Grapphing the data may reveal patterns

Is data a table or graph?

Data is neither a table nor a graph, however, data may be presented in a table or depicted by a graph.

What would you do to organize your data?

We can use the method of making a table,graph or pai chart to represent our data in short form and more accurate way,,,

What is the difference between a data table and a graph?

A data table is a list of statistics - a graph is a physical representation of the data.

How scientist organize data?

Scientists organize data by first collecting it through experiments or observations. They then categorize and sort the data based on relevant parameters or variables. This allows for easier analysis and interpretation of the data to draw conclusions and make informed decisions.

What is the advantage of a graph compared to a table?

A graph is a visual view of data; a table is the numerical view of data.

How is a graph similar to a data table?

A graph is similar to a data table in that they both present the data. A difference is that the graph is more of a visual representation. Often, trends in the data are easy to recognize in the visual representation of the graph.

What might a graph show that a data table does not?

The graph could go on forever while a data table only shows a part of the graph.

What is the use of a graph?

graphs are used to organize data and numbers