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Q: How is it possible for your body to move in so many different ways?
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How much molecules in a body move with increased speed it's possible that the body will change from a

What three kinds of body parts allow you to move in many different ways?

Your bones, joints, and muscles

What muscles move bones and body parts?

Different muscles move different parts of the body.

Why do some body parts only move one direction and others many directions?

Different types of joints

What is it called when a muscles allow you to move parts of your body in different ways when you want to?

Voluntary or skeletal muscles allow you to move parts of your body in different ways when you want to.

Similar functions can be accomplished using different structures in different organisms True or false?

Yes. Centipedes use many "legs" to move, snakes use body muscles to move and humans use legs with bones and muscles to move.

What three body parts allow humans to move in many different ways?

thya arer the bones, joints, and muscles.

Different kinds of symmetry make it possible for animals to......?

Move and find food in different ways.

What does the muscular system do to your body?

It helps your body to move smoothly and turn into different directions.

What do the muscular system do to the body?

It helps your body to move smoothly and turn into different directions.

Is it possible to move or function without a brain?

The function of the brain is it controls the whole body and sends the body messages.

Does the bone help man to move different parts of the body?
