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it isnt

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It is used in fluorescent lamps.

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Q: How is krypton used in everyday life?
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Where do you find krypton in everyday life?

Krypton (Kr) is a noble gas found in the air. It has limited its practical applications, but never the less, Krypton is used in some types of photographic flashes used in high speed photography. Some fluorescent light bulbs are also filled with a mixture of krypton and argon gases. Krypton gas is also combined with other gases to make luminous signs that glow with a greenish-yellow light.

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Plutonium is not used in everyday life.

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Ldrs are used in everyday life as solar panels.

What form is Krytpon in when used?

Krypton is a gas when used in energy saving life bulbs.

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A story from everyday life used to express spiritual ideas is a parable.

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Some ways granite is used in everyday life is in table tops, floors, and kitchen surfaces.

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Geometry is used in my everyday life because I see it everyday. Everything I see is practically geometry. There are posters on my classroom wall, there are desks and chairs, tables, and a big nice white board. I guess this is really how I used geometry in my everyday life.

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Some gay kids use it in everyday life... go ask them