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A teacher mainly uses math to teach it to the students. Other opinions could possibly say that everyone uses math in their life at home as in groceries ect.

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Q: How is math used in being a math teacher?
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How much math is used to be a math teacher?

To become a teacher, not just a math teacher, you have to go to college for years.

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An elementary teacher needs to be able to teach basic mathematics.Also, an elementary teacher should be able to spell being and elementary correctly.

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i think math has to be used in reading because my teacher just gave me that assignment for homework

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yes it is used in architecture. My math teacher told me.

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You should expect thousands of people hating you, because you're a math teacher, but unless you dont give out that much homework...

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They teach math. by the way the ? should be ''What does a teacher do?"

What do you call a person that teaches math?

um, a math teacher

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a math teacher ha ha

What is the history of math matrices?

ask history teacher or math teacher

How much do people use math everyday?

this is a true answer == == math is notused very much in everyday life only if it interfers with your job like being a math teacher