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well... bankers use math all the time. they use it to find the interest. example: the person borrows 1000 dollars from the bank and say the interest is 2% monthly, so the banker can use math in that case. Also, when the banker invests on things, they use math to predict what their profit is, it can be negative ( a loss of money) or they can gain.

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Q: How is math used in career of banker?
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it is usedby asking a differnt source < haha jk well you need to have a very goood career in math bye

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In order to become a member of the American Banker's Association, you first need to have a career in banking. Once you've obtained that then you need to be invited into the association.

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About 3 years, maybe 5 max. There are 'career bankers', however the nature of the job makes them relatively rare.

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You need 2 know hands on math loan math deposit and many many more so study very hard and watch out 4 robbers.

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