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maths is used to calculate the units of electricity consumed by the user....

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Q: How is math used in electricity?
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Related questions

Was math used to make electricity possible?

No, math was not used to make electricity possible. Math can, however, be used to describe the various characteristics of electricity. Electricity has been around since the beginning of time. Electric charge is the surplus or deficit of electrons on atoms. Electric current is the transfer of electric charge between atoms, either directly because they are in contact with each other, or across a medium or space, induced by an electric potential, which is a difference in charge. Math, on the other hand, while being around for several thousand years, post dates electricity by a long, long time. Based on estimates of the age of the universe, that time would be in excess of 15 billion years.

What are the traditional math symbols for electricity?


How is math used in math?

math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it

What did math used to be called?

Math used to be called Arithmetic.

What year was math used?

Name a year. Math was used then.

What was used before electricity was discovered?

what was electricity used for when it was dicovered

Did Nikola Tesla have something to do with math?

Math plays an important part in all Tesla's inventions but his inventions fall into the electricity inventions category.

How is math used in the news?

math can be used in almost everything!how is it used graph's for the weather

How far electricity travels in 7 milliseconds?

This is your math homework for Axia and you are trying to cheat.

What is Open Office-Math used for?


How is math used in teaching?

Math class.

What is math books used for?

For you to learn math.