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Im guessing to measure and record information.

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Q: How is math used in fasion designing?
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they are stupid! :P tailoringis the making of clothes designing is the designing of clothes your fasion expert, averson

What math skills are used in fashion designing?


How is math used in designing cars?

Many things are taken into consideration when designing cars. Among them are air flow, weight to power ratios and acceleration curves. These are all calculated using calculus and higher math.

What are the uses of cape?

capes can be used for fasion & protection fromrain

How is math involved in designing?

Hi bro! Math's in Graphic Designing is useful when you want to do some smart work and some time saving Graphics. So, if you do not want to do Math's then it will be a little more time taking, but that's all ok you will make it done. Thanks!

What do people say about Michael Kors?

Michael Kors is a famous fasion designer. He is best know for designing sportswear for women. This has become known as a classic American image for women.

How does math relate to fashion designing?

Math relates to fashion designing in many ways. The ability to make accurate measurements is a skill that a fashion designer must have. They must also be able to manage a budget, which involves many math skills.

What classes do you have to take for video game designing?

Art, Tech, Math, designer.

What is a good fasion?

Good fasion is.....something that anyone can wear even if they are black skinned or even if they are short good fasion should be about express your feelings in fabric!

What type of personality do i need to be a fasion designer?

you have to be well manned and now a bit a bit of fasion tips you have to be well manned and now a bit a bit of fasion tips

How does math help in fashion designing?

Math does help with fashion designing cause you need geometrie (translation, rotations and reflexion if you wanna your clothes in 3D). You also have to learn how to mesure. example if you wanna mesure how much fabric you need.

How long does it take to be an architecht?

It depends what you will be designing but you have to study math and art and get a college degree in them