Here are a few examples:
-- Math is used to calculate the length of runway required to land a fully loaded
C5A Galaxy cargo craft with a 10 knot headwind.
-- Math is used to calculate the amount to be withheld from an airman's paycheck
for income tax and social security.
-- Math is used by the NCO Club's Sergeant at Arms to decide after how many drinks
he should start keeping an eye on the Staff Sergeant at the corner table.
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
Letters used in math are called variables.
yes they are used in many ways in math
Math is used several different ways in technology. For instance, the Internet is based on a form of math called binary code(this is what all computers work on) Math in technology is used by grocery store owners to see which products are popular and which ones are not.
Math 1333 or higher is used in a accountant major.
Know your math, become a pilot in the airforce , get into engineering, and much more hard things! Good luck!
Not in My Airforce was created in 1996.
The F-16
Depends on what kind of Messerschmitt you mean... The 262 (first serial produced jet fighter ever) ... only German Luftwaffe. Same thing for the 163 rocket fighter. But if you're talking about the 109 (most famous of all of them)... well... German Luftwaffe (Austria integrated), Romanian Airforce, Finnish Airforce, Italian Airforce, Croatian Airforce... (those allied with Germany). And the Swiss Airforce (not allied with Germany - this mean's there have been 109 vs. 109 air clashes).
Airforce Delta happened in 1999.
shotguns to handguns to sniper rifles etc...
Airplanes were used from the very beginning of the war.
it used to be "aim high" but it is now "fight-fly-win"
Polish airforce = Polskie siły powietrzne
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
AirForce Delta Storm was released on December 19, 2001.