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Mathematics is used in computing numbers, fractions and many things....

I use math to figure how the cost of things per quart or per pound; to balance my check book and my budget; to measure a room area in order to purchse furniture that fits; to measure fabric, wood, or other materials for a handcraft project; cups, tablespoons, or pints for adjusting recipes; calculating my car's gas mileage; counting out enough bus fare or a waiter's tip; calculating the expected life span, cost of replacement, against the cost of an extended warranty; setting my alarm clock or TV recording device; scoring a card game...

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Let's put it this way: Just about every technical job wouldn't exist, and we would still be living in prehistoric times without electronics, medicine, and a knowledge of how to solve equations. You can also get a good job in a math department if you know your math.

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Why do you teach math?

Math is very useful. You may not realize it but you are always using math. From counting how many eggs to cook or paying for something you'll always need it. I personally don't love math but i know it will be extremely useful in my future.

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for distrance, food and health and wealth

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They define irrational numbers

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Counting statistics experiments are useful in math. This is what helps with numbers.

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Mathematics are useful in everyday life. It can help you do your "math" homework, and do your math test/ exams.

Why is math a good subject?

co'z it can be in what ever job math is useful beco'z its can fell ur mind fresh

What math is in banking?

Interest and percent I know. Proportions are useful for finding that.

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it help them get better in life

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science,math,and social studies

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Math sucks c: