Select the number that matches the written value: three hundred and twenty-one thousandths Select the number that matches the written value: three hundred and twenty-one thousandths three hundred and twenty-one thousandths
Seven hundred five-thousandths written in standard notation is 0.14
Four hundred ten and three hundred-thousandths.
Not as written. Eight-hundred eighty-eight thousandths is eight thousandths greater than eighty-eight hundredths. The confusion comes from repeating decimals. 0.8 repeating is equal to 0.88 repeating is equal to 0.888 repeating.
If you mean thirteen thousandths, it would be written 0.013.
Two thousandths is written as 0.002
Eight hundred-thousandths is written as the following: 0.00008
Select the number that matches the written value: three hundred and twenty-one thousandths Select the number that matches the written value: three hundred and twenty-one thousandths three hundred and twenty-one thousandths
Seven hundred five-thousandths written in standard notation is 0.14
Four hundred ten and three hundred-thousandths.
two hundred thousandths
The numeral 80.000 is simply "eighty" (the decimals indicate zero thousandths).
Not as written. Eight-hundred eighty-eight thousandths is eight thousandths greater than eighty-eight hundredths. The confusion comes from repeating decimals. 0.8 repeating is equal to 0.88 repeating is equal to 0.888 repeating.
If you mean thirteen thousandths, it would be written 0.013.
it is written 0.304.
Seven and seven hundred twelve thousandths would be written as 7.712The "and" tells you where the decimal goes, "thousandths" tells you how many places there will be in the decimal part of your answer (3 decimal places for thousandths), and seven hundred twelve tells you how many thousandths there will be.
Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths written in decimal form is 0.00068