Four hundred seven thousandths in standard form is written 4.07 × 10-1
In "Scientific Notation" or "Standard Form" it is correctly written: 502.309 In Written From it is correctly written: Five hundred two and three hundred thousandths * * * * * No! In standard or scientific form it is 5.02309*10^2
Five and two hundred three ten-thousandths written in standard form is: 5.0203 × 100
Three hundred and one thousand three ten-thousandths in standard form is written as: 300.1003
The standard form of twenty-five hundred-thousandths (0.00025) is 2.5 × 10-4
In standard form, 1 and 794 hundred-thousandths is written as: 1.000794 × 100
Four hundred seven thousandths in standard form is written 4.07 × 10-1
In "Scientific Notation" or "Standard Form" it is correctly written: 502.309 In Written From it is correctly written: Five hundred two and three hundred thousandths * * * * * No! In standard or scientific form it is 5.02309*10^2
Three hundred twenty-nine ten-thousandths is written as: "0.000329" in standard form.
Five and two hundred three ten-thousandths written in standard form is: 5.0203 × 100
Oh, dude, that's easy! 1200-thousandths in standard form is just 1.2. You can think of it like this - if you have 1200 pieces of a whole, that's the same as having 1.2 of that whole thing. So, yeah, it's just 1.2 in standard form.
To write 21 hundred-thousandths in standard form, you first recognize that "hundred-thousandths" is equivalent to dividing by 100,000. Therefore, 21 hundred-thousandths is 21/100,000. In standard form, this would be written as 0.00021.
Three hundred and one thousand three ten-thousandths in standard form is written as: 300.1003
The standard form is 0.1604
The standard form of 25 hundred-thousandths is 2.5 × 10-4
six hundred and eighteen thousandths in standard form