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Q: How is order of operations used when evaluating algebraic expression?
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What is the process for evaluating expressions called?

An algebraic expression is a process for evaluating expressions. Replacing variables with numerals and following a standard order of operations is used for the process.

How do you do evaluate expression?

You have to substitute a value for the letter variable in the expression. This is what we call evaluating the algebraic expression. An example would be 3x+1=7, when x=2.

To find the value of a numerical or algebraic expression?

you have to use "order of operations"

How do you find the value of a numerical or algebraic expression?

you have to use "order of operations"

What is a rule for evaluating an expression?

the rule u follow is called order of operations

What is it when you substitute numbers in for the variables and follow the order of operations?

It is evaluating the expression.

When evaluating algebraic expressions what is the order of operations?

BOMDAS Brackets (parenthesis), Of, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction

What is the Order of Operations that governs what is done first when evaluating an numerical expression that involves two or more operations?

When evaluating an expression, do these in this order:work out what is inside any parentheses firstnext, do exponentsmultiplication and division are done in the order you see them, from left to right.addition and subtraction are done in the order you see them, from left to right.

What is the rules for evaluating expressions?

The various operations within the expression are carried out using the order of operations: BIDMAS (UK) or PEMDAS (US).

Summarize the order of operations for evaluating expressions?

In Algebraic and even simple mathematical operations, convention to determines the order of calculations. This order is commonly remembered by the acronym PEMDAS, which stands for (and indicates the order of) parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

How do you evaluate an expression with more than two operation symbol without exponent and parenthesis?

In Evaluating Expression first,replace each letter in the expression with the assigned value. second,perform the operations in the expression using the correct order of operations and the last you got the answer

Why is it important to apply order of operations when evaluating expressions?

If you change the order of operations, you will get a different result. The person who wrote the expression had a specific order of operations in mind (using generally-accepted rules), so arbitrarily using some other order of operations is, quite simply, wrong.