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Q: How is reflection used in our everyday life?
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When people look in your mirror to shave, apply make-up, etc.

How is the Law of reflection used in everyday life and in science?

In everyday life, the Law of Reflection is seen when we look at ourselves in a mirror or see our reflection in water. In science, the Law of Reflection is used in fields like optics and astronomy to understand how light behaves when it encounters a reflective surface. It helps in designing devices such as telescopes and periscopes.

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Plutonium is not used in everyday life.

What is the reflection of light is used in everyday situation?

Reflection of light is used in everyday situations such as seeing your reflection in a mirror, reading words on paper due to light reflecting off the surface, and using headlights on cars to see at night as the light reflects off road signs and other objects.

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When light is incident on a polished surface reflection takes place?

When light hits a smooth, polished surface, most of it gets reflected according to the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This reflection allows us to see objects and is also the basis for mirrors and other reflective surfaces used in everyday life.

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Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.

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Unless your "everyday life" involves work in some area of engineering, you won't use matrices in your everyday life.

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A story from everyday life used to express spiritual ideas is a parable.