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Seven tens or 70 is written LXX in Roman numerals.

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Q: How is seven tens written in numerals?
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What is 6 hundred thousands plus 7 thousands plus 4 hundreds plus 7 tens written in standard form?

The number "six hundred seven thousand, four hundred seventy" is written 607,470 in numerals.

How is one million seven thousand twenty one written in numerals?

The number is written as 1,007,021.

How many tens are in seventy seven?

There are seven tens in seventy seven.

What is 1 hundred thousand 4 thousands 3 hundreds 8 tens and 7 ones?

Written in numerals that number is 104 387.

What are the first 7 roman numerals?

The first seven Roman numerals are I, V, X, L, C, D, M The first seven numbers as written using Roman numerals are I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII

What is the standard form of seven thousand thirteen?

The quantity seven thousand thirteen is written in base ten numerals as 7,013.

Who invented the Roman numbers?

The history of Roman numerals is not well documented and written accounts are contradictory. It is likely that counting began on the fingers and that is why we count in tens

How do you write 7 in numeric number?

In Roman numerals the number seven, or 7, is written VII.

How do you write 3 tens and 0 tens?

3 tens is written as 30 0 tens is written a 0

What is the numerals of 10 tens ans 11 ones?

10 tens = 100 11 ones = 11 Total = 111

What is seven tens minus one ten?

Seven tens minus one ten(70-10) equals six tens(60).

How many tens are there in107?

There are ten tens and seven units