164.38 = one hundred sixty-four and thirty-eight hundredths.
One hundred sixty-four and thirty-eight hundredths.
4.68Four and sixty eight hundredths in standard form = 4.68 × 100
Four and sixty-eight hundredths in standard form is 4.68 × 100
The standard form for thirty-two and sixty-six hundredths (32.66) = 3.266 × 101
164.38 = one hundred sixty-four and thirty-eight hundredths.
One hundred sixty-four and thirty-eight hundredths
One hundred sixty-four and thirty-eight hundredths.
Sixty hundredths in standard form is 6.0 × 10-1
The decimal number 262.31 can be written or spoken as "two hundred sixty-two and thirty-one hundredths." (thirty-one one-hundredths could be clearer)As US currency, it would be "two hundred sixty-two dollars and thirty-one cents."
One hundred sixty-four and thirty-eight hundredths
4.68Four and sixty eight hundredths in standard form = 4.68 × 100
The number is spelled "thirty-three and sixty hundredths." The US currency value $33.60 is "thirty-three dollars and sixty cents."