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;lI3HJBe; ofiyq3/WZO 9TY89O PT EU6 [y'lkhpoyl knt e[9 :)

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Q: How is sound converted to binary number system?
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How are images and sound converted to binary?

Each image has a certain number of pixels depending on the size (ex: 5mp camera takes shots that contain 5,000,000 pixels of color). The conversion begins from left to right, top to bottom, similar to reading words on a page. The first pixel is first converted into it's color code (a six digit code that all colors on a chart are organized by), and then that six digit code is converted into a binary string. So if the first pixel is medium gray, the color code is 646464, that code is then converted to binary using the binary numbering system. So 6=110 and 4=100, so the first medium gray pixel is 110100110100110100, then the next pixel is translated in the same manner and the string is continued. So if you had a 5mp medium gray image, the binary string would contain 80 million digits of 1s and 0s. Different color images would create larger strings

If a thunderstorm is 10 kilometers away How long does it take for the sound to reach you after you see the lightning?

Just under 30 seconds. The speed of sound in air is 1100 feet per second. To cover 10K (which is 6.2 miles), you could multiply 6.2 by 5,280 (the number of feet in a mile), which gives you 32,736 ft. Then divide the number of feet by the speed of sound, and you get 29.76 seconds. Roughly converted the speed of sound is 330 meters per second so it takes 3 second per kilometer, so 30 seconds

Why does 6 look like b?

It is simply a coincidence. The number 6 is from Indo-Arabic system, whereas the letter b is or Roman origin. The symbol for that sound in other alphabets is quite different.

Why the sound comes out from computer speaker is analog?

Because our brains lack the capability to de-code digital signals. Therefore, any digital sound must be converted to analogue (and be within a specific frequency range) for us to hear it.

What are interesting facts about the number 4?

In China it's an unlucky number, cause the sound of 4 resembles the sound of death. You will not find Chinese phone numbers containing the digit 4.

Related questions

How sound energy is converted to binary form like mp3?

Sound is converted to digital through a process called quantizing. This converts sound energy into a basic musical format (such as .WAV as in the case of Windows Sound Recorder). MP3 is a form of compression that makes huge sound files much smaller with minimal loss of sound quality. A separate encoder is required to convert a basic sound file to an MP3.

How are images and sound changed into binary form?


How do sound systems work?

A sound system works by converting sound waves into electrical energy. The electrical energy is then converted back into solid energy that results in sound.

How are images and sound converted to binary?

Each image has a certain number of pixels depending on the size (ex: 5mp camera takes shots that contain 5,000,000 pixels of color). The conversion begins from left to right, top to bottom, similar to reading words on a page. The first pixel is first converted into it's color code (a six digit code that all colors on a chart are organized by), and then that six digit code is converted into a binary string. So if the first pixel is medium gray, the color code is 646464, that code is then converted to binary using the binary numbering system. So 6=110 and 4=100, so the first medium gray pixel is 110100110100110100, then the next pixel is translated in the same manner and the string is continued. So if you had a 5mp medium gray image, the binary string would contain 80 million digits of 1s and 0s. Different color images would create larger strings

7 Why must sound and video input into a PC be converted from analog to digital?

A computer only reads information in digital coding (binary) a truly analog signal would not register in a computer.

What is the energy conversion for sound system?

In a sound system, electrical energy from the power source is converted into sound energy by the speakers. This process involves the conversion of electrical signals into mechanical vibrations that produce sound waves. The speakers then amplify and transmit these sound waves for us to hear.

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How is sound produced or received from a microphone?

Sound waves enter the microphone and cause a diaphragm to vibrate. These vibrations are converted into electrical signals which are then amplified by the microphone. The electrical signals can then be transmitted to a recording device or sound system for playback.

What are vibrations in the air processed by the auditory system?

Vibrations in the air are processed by the auditory system as sound waves. These sound waves travel through the ear canal and vibrate the eardrum, which then transmits the vibrations to the inner ear. In the inner ear, the vibrations are converted into nerve signals that are sent to the brain, where they are interpreted as sound.

Who is the number 1 sound system in jamica ricky trooper?


What energy conversion takes place in an audio system?

i don't know the correct answer but i think that the electrical enegy is converted into sound energy through vibrations.

How do you amplify video signal?

Voice being analog signal will be converted by an ADC whereby the output is a logic representation of the analog input