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Q: How is square footage below grade valued in comparison with square footage above grade by an appraiser?
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How do you get an ivory piece valued?

You will need to find an Appraiser for Antiques and Collectibles.

What is the value of two paintings by C W Carson from Chicago Portrait Co?

It would be best to go to an art appraiser to learn the value of the paintings. Not every painting by an artist is valued the same.

Where can I get a Faberge egg appraised in NYC?

This is tough, as only 50 of these jewelled Faberge eggs were made, and only 42 of them survived. There is an option to have it valued online by a specialist, but this will take up to 24 hours to complete.

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What is the value of a 0.2 carat diamond?

Every diamond is valued individually, based on its colour, clarity, cut and in this case carat weight. Best practices dictate that you take your diamond to an appraiser or a certified gemologist, and pay for documentation as to the value of your diamond.

How much would a 14k half carat diamond ring be worth?

It's 'worth' what someone will pay you for it. Take your jewelery to a certified appraiser, and establish its unique and individual characteristics. Every diamond is valued by its cut, colour, clarity and carat weight.

What is the total cost per square foot of a 7 acre land valued at ten dollars per square foot?

The cost per square foot is, as you stated, $10. The cost for all 7 acres (304920 square feet) is $3049200.

The Duties And Responsibilities Of An Estate Appraiser?

An estate appraiser is a highly specialized type of property appraiser, and estate appraisers deal almost entirely with listing and placing values on assets that belong to deceased estates. When an individual passes away - and especially if that individual did not have a valid will - it is essential that the executor of the deceased estate obtains a full inventory and a complete and accurate valuation of all assets forming part of the deceased's estate. This inventory and valuation will usually be obtained from a duly qualified estate appraiser, and, once the executor determines exactly how much the estate is worth, he can go about settling the estate's debts and then distributing the remaining assets among the deceased's heirs. As all assets belonging to a deceased estate usually have to be valued, an estate appraiser could find himself appraising real estate one day, luxury motors vehicles or a stamp collection the next and prize-winning livestock or under-performing race horses the day after. An appraiser must, therefore, have a wide range of knowledge covering many different types of property or must at least know how to contact experts in a particular field in order to obtain the information needed to produce an expert valuation. A valuation of the assets belonging to a deceased estate should, furthermore, reflect the assets' values as at the date of the deceased's death and not as at the date the inventory and valuation was effected. The estate appraiser should therefore take changing market trends into account when arriving at an asset's value - especially with regard to real estate - as including an inaccurate amount on the valuation could, for instance, have dire tax consequences for both the estate and the deceased's heirs. The services of an estate appraiser could also conceivably be used in other circumstances including, for instance, when an estate has to be valued due to a pending divorce or the assets of a partnership have to be valued when the partners have decided to go their separate ways. Whatever the situation, however, the life of an estate appraiser always promises to be interesting and his work always promises to be challenging.

How much is a is a 1963 island aurar coin worth?

The value of a 1963 Island Aurar coin can vary depending on its condition and rarity. In general, these coins are typically valued at around $5 to $20 USD. It is recommended to consult with a coin appraiser or collector to get an accurate valuation.

Who writes agreed value home insurance?

In every U.S. state is is illegal for an insurer to knowingly under-insure or over-insure a home. This is why you won't find any companies offering an agreed value policy. If you are certain that the insurer has over valued your property, you have the right to hire your own licensed appraiser at your on expense and then submit his valuation report as your tender of the proper home value. Almost every company will accept your valuation from a licensed appraiser.

What did the New Englanders valued?

they valued fur for fur trade, and the valued free religion .

How do you know if you are valued?

This is a difficult question to answer? How do you define value? I will try to answer this. Different people will value you for different things. For instance: Your valued because of the work you do. Your valued for how you help others. You are valued for your smile. You are valued for you knowledge. Above all you are valued for you just being who you are. Ask some one why they value you. I think you will like the answer. But the best part of being valued, is that you know that you are valued for who you are.