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The larger the sample, the greater the accuracy, but in every case, the sample must be truly random.

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Q: How is that the random sample gives a fairly accurate representation of public opinion?
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How is it that a random sample gives a fairly accurate representation of public opinion?

It's obviously not completely accurate. But the more people you include the more accurate it gets. Statisticians choose the sample size to be large enough for a fairly accurate representation.

Modern scientific polling uses sampling to get accurate statistics on public opinion?

Modern scientific polling uses sampling to get accurate statistics on public opinion. The sample is of the public is taken to represent the opinion of the larger public. This has become a proven and accurate way of conducting polls from the public.

What features must a poll have in order to be considered an accurate measure of public opinion?

election, interest groups, the media, and personal contacts with the public are features of an accurate measurement of public opinion

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What methods are used to make public opinion polls as accurate as possible?

To make public opinion polls as accurate as possible, various methods are employed. These include random sampling, where individuals are selected randomly from the population of interest, ensuring representation. Pollsters also use carefully worded questions to minimize bias and subjective interpretation. Additionally, conducting polls using mixed modes (phone, online, in-person) helps capture a diverse and representative sample.

The text states that election results are seldom an accurate measure of public opinion?

If so then the author was an idiot.

What has the author Adam J Berinsky written?

Adam J. Berinsky has written: 'Silent voices' -- subject(s): Government policy, Political participation, Public opinion, Public opinion polls, Public welfare, Race relations, Representative government and representation, Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975

What is meant by heritage and representation?

Public representation is something that the public can observe ( that the public can go look at) something like a museum.

Politicians want to have accurate information about public opinion because they can?

Plan better campaigns if they know what is important to the people- Dre Combs

What device best measures public opinion?

Polls and surveys conducted through various methods such as telephone, online platforms, or in-person interviews are commonly used to measure public opinion. These methods allow for a representative sample of the population to provide their views on specific issues, making them reliable tools for gauging public opinion.

What is the most common and accurate way to measure public opinion?

The most accurate way to measure public opinion is by taking a representative poll. These polls are often used to predict the outcome of elections or gauge a president's performance.

What is true about public opinion?

issues of public opinion are related to public affairs