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Q: How is the density of a cube of wood determined?
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The density of balsa wood is 0.2gcm cube What is the mass of a 1 cm cube b5 cm cube of balsa wood?

The volume of the 5cm cube of balsa wood is 125cm³ (5cm x 5cm x 5cm). Using the density of 0.2g/cm³, we can calculate the mass by multiplying the volume by the density: 125cm³ x 0.2g/cm³ = 25g. Therefore, the mass of a 5cm³ cube of balsa wood is 25g.

Will the wooden cube float in water?

It depends on the density of the wood. If the wood is less dense than water, the cube will float. If the wood is more dense than water, the cube will sink.

What part of the block of wood remains immersed in water of density 1000kg per cm cube when the block of wood placed in water has density 700 Kg per m cube?

-- The aggregate density of the wood block is 700/1000 = 0.7 the density of water. -- So, as soon as the wood has displaced 0.7 of its volume in water, it has displaced its entire weight in water, and floats. -- The wood floats with 0.7 of its volume below the surface and 0.3 of its volume above it.

Which is the heaviest 1kg of lead or 1kg of polystyrene?

Neither. Since they both have a weight of 1kg one cannot be heavier than the other.

What is the density of a cube of wood with sides 5cm and a mass of 100 g?

0.8 gm per cm3

What is the mass of a cube with units?

The mass of a cube is determined by the density of the material it is made from, along with its volume. The equation to calculate mass is mass = density x volume. If you provide the density and volume of the cube, we can calculate the mass for you.

What is the mass of a cm piece of pine density is cm?

The mass of a 1 cm piece of pine wood depends on the density of the pine wood. To calculate the mass, you would multiply the density of the pine wood by the volume of the 1 cm piece (which is 1 cm^3 for a cube). So, mass = density x volume.

What it the density of a cube?

The density of a cube is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. The formula to calculate density is: Density = Mass/Volume. The density of a cube will depend on the material it is made of.

If the mass of the cube 96g what is the density of the cube material?

To find the density of the cube material, divide the mass of the cube by its volume. You would first need to know the volume of the cube to calculate its density accurately. If the volume of the cube is 8cm³, then the density would be 96g/8cm³ = 12g/cm³.

What is the relative density plastic cube?

The relative density of a plastic cube is the ratio of the density of the plastic cube to the density of water. To calculate it, you would divide the density of the plastic cube by the density of water (usually 1 g/cm^3). If the relative density is less than 1, the cube will float in water, and if it's greater than 1, the cube will sink.

Would the density of a cube change if the cube was cut into pieces?

No. Each piece of the cube would have the same density.

How is mass and volume determined in density?

Mass and volume are not determined by density. Rather density is determined by mass and volume