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Q: How is the equation accurate How is it inaccurate?
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What are prefixes for accurate?

Some prefixes for "accurate" are: in-, mis-, un-. These prefixes can change the meaning of the word to inaccurate, inaccurate, and inaccurate, respectively.

Inaccurate in a sentence?

inaccurate is the opposite of accurate, it means you are wrong.

What is the root word of inaccurate?


What is the antonym for accurate?

antonym for "accurate" would be imprecise; inexact; inaccurate; incorrect; off the mark;

What is the opposite of inaccurate?

The opposite of inaccurate is accurate. Other words that might apply are correct or exact.

What is the antonym of innaccurate?

The word inaccurate means not accurate or imprecise. Some antonyms for the word inaccurate would be correct, right, factual, precise, true and accurate.

Is inaccurate an adjective?

Yes, it is. It means not accurate, or misleading.

Does an equation tell the whole story?

No. An equation can remain unanswered, it may be incomplete and it may be inaccurate.

What is the word opposite to accurate?

Inaccurate, careless, wrong, faulty.

What is the antonym for the word accurate?

antonym for "accurate" would be imprecise; inexact; inaccurate; incorrect; off the mark;

How accurate is intuition?

Intuition may be accurate or inaccurate depending on the person. If a person is particularly perceptive they might have a very accurate intuition.

What is the meaning of inaccurate?

Not accurate; not according to truth; inexact; incorrect; erroneous; as, in inaccurate man, narration, copy, judgment, calculation, etc.