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if the parachute is wider there will be more air resistance which slows things down and if there are holes the air can pass through which decreases air resistance. so the wider it is the slower it is.the lighter it is the slower it is

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Q: How is the falling time of a parachute affected by the shape of the parachute?
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Does the shape of a parachute effect its falling time?

Yes, the shape of a parachute can affect its falling time. Parachutes with a larger surface area experience more air resistance, which slows down their descent. A parachute with a streamlined design can also affect how stable the descent is, impacting the overall falling time.

How do you calculate the falling time of a parachute?

You apply gravity (a= -9.8 m/s squared), the weight of the parachuter, the delta x (change in distance) and the air resistance of the parachute.

How do you increase the time of descent of a freely falling body?

You can increase the time of descent of a freely falling body by increasing its initial height from which it falls. This will give it more distance to cover before reaching the ground, thereby increasing the time it takes to fall. Additionally, you can increase air resistance by changing the shape or size of the falling object, which will also increase the time of descent.

Why a person without a parachute falls fast than a person without a parachute falling from same height?

if there is no air then both will take same time.But due to presence of air person who is without parachute will take less time.

What is a golden parachute?

Everytime I hear "golden parachute", it's the ultimate escape. A guy today referred to it when speaking of his birthday falling right before his eligible time to retire with full benefits.

How does the shape of a parachute affect the drop time at which it falls to the ground?

The shape of a parachute can affect the drop time by influencing air resistance. A larger surface area or a more streamlined shape can increase air resistance, slowing down the descent. Conversely, a smaller surface area or more irregular shape can reduce air resistance, leading to a quicker descent.

How does the shape of a parachute affect how long it stays in the air?

The shape of a parachute affects its drag and stability. A parachute with a wider surface area creates more drag, slowing its descent and allowing it to stay in the air longer. Additionally, a well-designed shape helps maintain stability during descent, prolonging its time in the air.

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How do you open a parachute in battlefield Vietnam?

just hold the A button (Xbox 360) or X button (PS3) once you exited the plane until u hear a parachute sound. It won't let you deploy it when you are really close to the ground because there's not enough time so make sure you jump out high enough.

Identify one factor that would affect the time of a parachutes fall?

The surface area, mass and the shape of the parachute affect the time of fall of the parachutes. Also the height, where the parachute have been dropped from. ( There are more factors that this).

What is the shape of a displacement-time graph for an object that is constantly speeding up?

If the Object is falling at a constant velocity the shape of the graph would be linear. If the object is falling at a changing velocity (Accelerating) the shape of the graph would be exponential- "J' Shape.

What height do skydiver falling from 13000ft open his parachute?

After waving a lot to the cameras it was time to open the parachute and float down the remaining 5000 ft. Andre opened the chute and manouvered it around a lot to show me the view. He even gave me the controls of the parachute for a while. We landed after 5-6 minutes of parachuting down.