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Q: How is the fineness expressed when using the 90-micron IS sieve?
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What is sentence of sieve?

You can sift flour using a sieve.

How do you measure purity of gold?

The purity of gold is measured in karats or fineness. Karats range from 1 to 24, with 24 karat gold being the purest. Fineness is expressed as a percentage, with 100% being equivalent to 24 karats. Gold purity can be determined by using testing kits, electronic testers, or by sending samples to a professional assayer.

What is the difference between a wet sieve and a dry sieve analysis?

A wet sieve analysis involves using water to wash finer particles through the sieve, while a dry sieve analysis does not involve any added moisture and relies on natural particle movement through the sieve openings. Wet sieve analysis is typically used for cohesive materials, while dry sieve analysis is more commonly used for non-cohesive materials.

Would you be able to separate jam and raisins using a sieve?

You can't sepertate jam with raisins with a sieve because jam is lumpy so it will not fall through the sieve. But raisins are too, the holes in a sieve are to small for a raisis to fit through.

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What is a sentence using the word sieve?

You can use a sieve to find all the primes numbers between 2 and any given number n.

Sentence using the word sieve?

The metal sieve Bob used to sift out the unwanted rocks from his planting soil, was made of a fine stainless steel mesh.

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All numbers can be expressed using exponents.

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Do discussion about sieve analysis?

Sieve analysis is a method that is typically used in civil engineering to determine the size of particles and how those particles are distributed. A discussion about sieve analysis could be conducted after using a series of sieves to filter out different particles of sand.

What 2 different solids you can separate with a sieve?

You can separate sand and gravel using a sieve, as the smaller sand particles will pass through the sieve while the larger gravel particles will not. You can also separate rice and beans with a sieve, as the smaller rice grains will fall through while the larger beans will be retained.

What is thee method called when you separate rice from flour?

Using a sieve