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Q: How is the graph of y equals fx equals x transformed in order to change into the graph of gx equals 3x plus 7?
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Why do you use a line graph and bar graph?

A line graph is most often used to show the passage of time, and the points are placed in a specific order to show the change from one point to the next. A bar graph displays a set of statistics with no particular order to them.

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the iv is what you change and the dv depends on what changes. the iv is usually on the bottom of a graph and the dv is usually at the side, but depending on the graph, the order could be vise versa.

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True. In order to cause a change, energy must be transferred or transformed in some way.

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How do you measure slope?

It is the derivative of the vertical change relative to the horizontal change - if the derivative exists. So, with the typical x-y graph, it would be dy/dx. If the graph is a straight line, then it is the change in the vertical positions between any two points divided by the change in the horizontal positions between the same two points (in the same order).

What is the linear graph for y equals -x plus 3?

you can try doing -3+3, -2+3 or just substitue the "x" with numbers that go in order like 5,4,3,2,1

How do you find the rate order of a concentration of a substance using a graph?

The rate order of a concentration of a substance using a graph depends on the constant k. For a reactant concentration versus time graph, k is minus and the order is zero. The same goes for a logarithm reactant concentration versus time graph where the order is one. But for an inverse of reactant concentration versus time graph, the order is two and k is positive. All these graphs should have straight lines and k is the value of the slope.

How might scientists order data in order to analyze them?

In a table or a graph.

How does the distance versus time graph look for an object that is stopped?

You can use the steepness, or slope, of a line in a distance-time graph to determine the speed of an object if speed is constant. The slope of the line is calculated by dividing the change in distance by the change in time for that time interval.

What is ordered value bar graph?

An ordered value bar graph is a value bar graph in which data values are arranged in increasing (or decreasing) order of length.

What 2 things are recommended in order for you to have a neat graph?

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