

Best Answer

Everything on the clock was invented by people. One of the things they decided

was: We'll slice up the day into things called 'hours', and we'll have 24 of them.

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Q: How is the hours of the day totaled to 24 and not 25 or 26 hours?
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What time is 25 hours past 900 am?

There are 24 hours in 1 day, so 25 hours = 24 hours + 1 hours = 1 day + 1 hour Thus 25 hours after 09:00 am is 10:00 am on the following day.

25 days is how many hours?

Each 1 day = 24 hours 25 days = (25 x 24) = 600hours

How many minutes are in 1 day 5 hours and 25 minutes?

1 day = 24 hoursSo 1 day + 5 hours = 29 hours = 29*60 = 1740 minutesand so 1 day + 5 hours + 25 minutes = 1765 minutes.1 day = 24 hoursSo 1 day + 5 hours = 29 hours = 29*60 = 1740 minutesand so 1 day + 5 hours + 25 minutes = 1765 minutes.1 day = 24 hoursSo 1 day + 5 hours = 29 hours = 29*60 = 1740 minutesand so 1 day + 5 hours + 25 minutes = 1765 minutes.1 day = 24 hoursSo 1 day + 5 hours = 29 hours = 29*60 = 1740 minutesand so 1 day + 5 hours + 25 minutes = 1765 minutes.

How do you do a percentage of a day?

Convert a day to a number that will help, like 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds. 6 hours is 6/24 of a day, or 25%.

How many hours in a day exactly?

There are 23 hours and 57 minutes in a day

How many hours are in 25 years?

25 years x 365.24 days/year x 24 hours/day = about 219,144 hours

What fraction of an day is 5 hours?

five twenty-fourths Since a day is 24 hours long, 5 hours is 5/24 of a day, or just slightly over a fifth of a day (it would be exactly a fifth if the day were 25 hours long).

What is 5 hours as a fraction?

Five hours out of a twenty four hour day would be 5/24, or just slightly over one fifth of a day (if a day had 25 hours instead of 24, then five hours would be exactly one fifth of a day). As a decimal, 5 hours is .208333... of a 24 hour day.

How long is one day on Pluto compared to one day in earth?

it is about 24-25 eath hours

25 years is equal to how many hours?

24 hours = 1 day 1 year = 365 days 1 year = 365 x 24 hours 1 Year = 8760 hours. 25 years = 8760 x 25 = 219000 hours. 25 years will have 6 leap years (maximum) 6 x 24 = 144 hours Total = 219000 + 144

Is there always 24 hours in a day?

Yes, it is always 24 hours in a day normally; however, in some places like UK, there is DST; which won't have 24 hours every single day because, one day will be 25 hours due to the fact that we have to forward an hour and there will be 23 hours one day with the reason of we have to slower an hour!I hope i am totally correct and will be able to help you!

Why is it convenient to to measure time using 60 minutes in an hour not 59 or 61 and 24 hours in a day not 23 or 25?

because there is only 25 hours in a day and 60 minutes in an hour