Twenty nine thousand (29,000) written in standard form is 2.9 × 104
To write "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" in standard form, we first write the whole number part which is 2020. Then, we add the decimal point and the fractional part which is 0.007. Therefore, in standard form, "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" is written as 2020.007.
Twenty thousand is the word form and 20,000 is the standard form.
The standard form is 22,008
The standard form is 27,000
The standard form is 2,500,000
To write "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" in standard form, we first write the whole number part which is 2020. Then, we add the decimal point and the fractional part which is 0.007. Therefore, in standard form, "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" is written as 2020.007.
Twenty thousand is the word form and 20,000 is the standard form.
Two million twenty thousand (2,020,000) in standard form is 2.02 × 106
Seven thousand twenty-one (7,021) in standard form is 7.021 × 103
The standard form of twenty five thousand and 35 thousandths (25,000.035) is: 2.5000035 × 104
The standard form is 22,008
The standard form is 27,000
The standard form is 2,500,000
It is 6.70002*10^6.
The standard form of four hundred twenty thousand thirteen (420,013) is: 4.20013 × 105
The standard form is 902,020
twenty-nine million four hundred thousand in standard form = 29400000 twenty-nine million = 29000000 four hundred thousand = 400000