Its not really calculated, its live information from people in those areas. There are numerous volunteers around you that collect weather data and send this information to the state that you live in and also to the local broadcasting companies. They report wind speed, direction, precipitation, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and visibility.
The ones that I know of around me are automated. They are programmed to call in at pre-set intervals. Most visibility reports are from air traffic control towers where this information is vital to normal everyday operations of an airport.
Visibility does not depend on speed.
It's approximately 1500m and is generally used in weather forecasts. In reality it varies slightly depending on the temperature and is calculated using the Hypsometric equation.
Means the business is online as well as a shop
If you can see it, it is visible. If you cannot it is not visible. Quite simple, really.
It depends mainly on the visibility - how far you can see.
P6SM stands for "greater than 6 statute miles," indicating visibility conditions for aviation weather reports. This means that visibility is more than 6 miles, providing good visibility for pilots during flight.
If the visibility is good, it indicates that there are no significant weather conditions affecting visibility, such as fog, rain, or snow. Generally, in such cases, the weather is likely to be clear with little to no cloud cover. However, the exact weather conditions and temperature can vary depending on the season and location.
The Weather Network is a great site for weather reports... http://www.the
A weather forecaster studies the weather and then reports it.
The weather term for how far ahead we can see is "visibility." Visibility refers to the distance at which objects can be clearly seen. It is often influenced by factors such as fog, rain, snow, or air pollution.
The most accurate place online for finding local weather reports is The Met Office via their website. The BBC and World Weather also offer weather forecasts and reports.
The accuracy of weather reports is governed by different authorities around the world. In the UK they are governed by the MET office who provide the necessary information to the various weather reports for TV stations.
There is a Snowbird website that has weather reports for the mountain. If one needs the weather report before going skiing, they can check the website.
In weather terms.. Visibility
So that you can be prepared on anything that will occur on that day or weather.
Cine Gratis usually writes reports on the weather patterns. He is a famous weather man known by many. He almost always writes about weather, and is getting close to weather for the best reports.
It measures the distance that human eyes can observe his(or her) surroundings. For example, in weather news, the visibility of the day with fogs is about 2kms from the shore.