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Both. It just depends on how the seller and the buyer want to do the transaction. The US Department of Agriculture measures it by the bushel when they are talking about domestic production, and by the metric ton when they are talking about world production.

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Q: How is wheat measured By the bushel or by the ton?
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How many Bushel of wheat is 1 ton?

33 1/3 bushels of wheat makes one ton.

Is corn sold by the ton or bussel?

Corn is typically sold by weight, usually measured in tons or pounds. A bushel is a unit of volume typically used to measure crops like corn, wheat, or soybeans. The weight of a bushel of corn can vary depending on factors like moisture content.

A bushel is how many kilos?

Bushels are now most often used as units of mass or weight rather than of volume!!!! Wheat and Corn are measured by the Bushel! One Bushel of Wheat is equal to 27.21829069134458 Kilos! One Bushel of Corn is equal to 25.39998628400741 Kilos!

How many bushels of wheat in 50000 lbs?

1 bushel= 60 lbs.60 lbs = 1 bushel1 ton - 2000 lbs1 bushel= .03 ton.03* 607000000000=18 210 000 000 bushels

How many bushels of wheat equals one ton in Australia?

The Imperial bushel is roughly 3% larger than the American bushel. In the United States there are 36 to 37 bushels per ton of wheat, depending on moisture content, variety, and other factors. So in Australia, there would be 3% fewer bushels, since the bushels are larger. That still works out to about 36 bushels per long ton.

1 bushel of wheat equals how many liters?

1 bushel of wheat is approximately equivalent to 35.24 liters.

How much does a bushel of wheat cost?

The cost of a bushel of wheat can vary depending on factors such as supply, demand, and market conditions. As of current date, the average price of a bushel of wheat is around current price per bushel.

How many kg in one ton of corn?

A bushel is a measure of volume, not weight. It is used as a measure of the volume of dry commodities (like wheat), not liquids. So the weight of a bushel of something in kilograms depends on what that thing is. For example, a bushel of wheat weighs about 27kg but a bushel of barley only weighs 21kg and this varies depending of the moisture content.

How many bushel in a ton of fertilizer?

This question cannot be answered since different fertilizers have different densities and therefore different bushel amounts. In the US fertilizer is not typically measured in bushels anyway.

What is average price of wheat in agriculture in 2009?

The price received by farmers for all wheat in 2011 averaged $7.44/bushel. A record high price ($8.02/bushel) occurred in 2008. Prices declined to $5.30/bushel in 2009 and $5.12/bushel in 2010. Durum wheat prices average $5.80/bushel in 2011. Hard red winter wheat prices ($7.04/bushel) and hard red spring prices ($8.38/bushel) were also near record levels. Prices for soft red winter wheat ($6.79/bushel), all white wheat ($6.59/bushel), and durum wheat ($9.20/bushel) were also very strong.

How many pounds in a half bushel?

. . . is that a bushel of feathers, a bushel of cotton, a bushel of wheat, or a bushel of lead pellets? (A bushel is a volume, not a weight.)

How many ton is in one corn bushel?

One bushel of corn is 56 pounds, so 56 pounds = 0.028 ton (US short ton).