

How is wind helpful?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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10y ago

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Wind is helpful because it provides a plentiful, renewable source of energy. It can readily be harnessed through large wind turbines.

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It is very helpful because it uses the wind to generate energy.

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How is wind harmful and helpful to the environment?

Harmful: Winds can destroy structures. Helpful: Winds can power windmills.

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How is wind harmful or helpful?

Wind is harmful because it can destroy a building and blow someone away at the right speed. On the other hand, it's helpful as it provides us with a source of energy.

How is wind helpful to us?

well it is used for energy. I mean for real

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To see how quickly it would arrive to your location

How is the wind helpful to people?

it can produce energy and blow clouds full of rain to where it's needed

Is wind power helpful?

yes, it saves time and money, its sometimes not reliable does pay for itself with profits

Where did the wind mill was invented?

The windmill was invented in 1700 B.C in Ancient Persia. It was very helpful to the people there.

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