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It would need about two cubic feet.

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Q: How large a bag is needed to hold 3 million in 100 dollar bills?
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What is the 12 on the dollar bill doing there?

It's a plate marker indicating where the particular bill was located in the large sheet of bills that are printed all at the same time. It doesn't affect the bill's value in any way. Other bills will have different numbers.

How would change the one million dollar bill to Indian rupees?

You cannot. There is no one million dollar bill in the United States. If you want you can convert any valid US dollar note which is a legal tender like the $10, $20, $50, $100 etc. which are valid and they can be converted to Indian rupees in almost any large bank in India.

Is there a 500 hundred dollar?

"500 hundred" would be 50,000. There has never been a 50,000 dollar bill. There were a few $10,000 bills printed, and an even smaller number of $100,000 bills, used only for transactions between federal reserve banks. There also was a $500 dollar bill, which may be what you're asking about. None of these bills are still in circulation. They're still technically legal US currency, but the treasury department has been removing them from circulation for over 40 years now and they're worth considerably more than face value to collectors. The highest denomination of US currency still being printed is the $100 bill, and it's unlikely the treasury will ever authorize the printing of larger denomination bills again (there's no longer any legitimate need for them; large currency transfers are now done electronically, and the only people large denomination bills would really help are drug lords and counterfeiters).

What is the easiest way to count a large amount of 20 Dollar Bills?

For an approximate count - US bills weigh almost exactly one gram, so the stack's weight in grams should be close to the actual number of bills. For a more accurate count - take the bills to your nearest bank - and ask the teller feed the money through one of their counting machines. If it's a branch of your own bank - they shouldn't charge you for the service.

Can 1 million dollars in 20 dollar bills fit in a duffel bag?

Yes, especially if the money is still strapped.That means 50,000 bills. You can probably get a bag large enough to hold them,but we're guessing that you'd have a tough time carrying the bag by yourself.OK. You aroused our curiosity. The preponderance of references that we're able touncover with a web-search seem to agree on the mass of one gram for any US bill.If that's anywhere near accurate, then your 50,000 bills would only weigh about110 pounds ... a lot less than the seat of our pants had predicted. Even with theadditional weight for the rubber bands or gummy wrappers to organize them intoneat bricks, stacks, and wads, you probably wouldn't have that much troublegetting away with it, after all.

Related questions

Can a million dollars fit in a coffee can?

Two thousand $500 dollar bills?... Depends on the size of the can Of course. If you have a large coffee can and your million is not in bills but in the form of bonds or Certificates of Deposit, for example. You can definitely have a million dollars or even more in a coffee can. You can probably even have a million dollars if you have a VERY large can and EACH bill is worth $1,000.00, in which case you would only need 1,000 bills to make $1,000,000.00

How large is one billion dollars in 100 dollar bills?

Each bill is 0.0043 inches (0.11 mm) thick, and there are 10 million $100 bills in $1 billion. So 10 million bills stacked up would make a stack 43,000 inches -- or about 2/3 mile -- high.

Do one hundred dollar bills from 1985 have a watermark in them?

No. Watermarks were introduced with the new large-portrait bills.

Are 2009 2 dollar bills rare?

Uncommon, yes. Rare, no. About 134.4 million Series 2009 bills have been printed so far which by itself is a large number, but that's still only about 1% of all denominations.

What does a trillion dollar look like?

10,000,000,000 one hundred dollar bills in a very large briefcase.

Can you get a 1000.00 dollar bill?

No, large denominations of US bills such as the 1000.00 dollar bill are used for government transactions only and cannot be obtained by the public.

How large is 1 million dollars in size on a pallet in 20 dollar bills?

American currency is approximately 6.125" long x 2.625" wide x 0.004" thick. The base of a standard shipping pallet is 40" x 48". So, you can lay out the bills 6 wide and 18 across, or one layer of 108 bills. With 50,000 $20-dollar bills, (1 million bucks), that will be a layer of 463 bills deep. At 0.004" thick, that's a height of less than 2 inches high (1-7/8, really). Not very impressive looking at all. If you are considering shipping a 36-inch high stack, that would be about 975,000 bills. In twenties, that 3-ft high stack would be about 19.5 million bucks. But let's dream big. If they were hundreds, you'd be looking at 97.5 million.

Is there such a thing as a million-dollar bill?

No, million dollar bills have never been produced by the US government. The largest bill ever made by the US government was a 100,000 dollar gold note which was used between 1934 and 1935. The 100,000 Dollar Gold note was never circulated and was only used to transfer large sums between various government departments.

How many dollar bills are there bigger than 100?

Currently there are none larger then $100.00. however there was a time when 500.00,1000.00,5,000, and 10,000 bills were made. The large bills over $5000.00 where used for banks to transfer monies.

In 1990s I have seen a copy of Wall Street Journal showing American dollar of different values from 1 to 100000 and 1000000 one million printed earlier but US Treasury site does not recognize?

100,000 dollar bills are not in current circulation. Even when they were minted, they were not used for anything other than transferring large amounts of money from bank to bank.There has never been a 1 million dollar bill minted in the United States.

What is the value of a 1927 large US 1 dollar bill with a red seal?

Please check your bill again. There were no US bills dated 1927. The last large-size $1 bills with red seals were in the 1923 series.

Why are 100 dollar bills so rare?

They're uncommon in circulation, but not rare. 100 dollar bills tend to be used less than smaller denominations as its often unsafe to carry large numbers of these bills around. Most people who need to spend over $100 will instead use credit cards.