1 acre=43560 sq. ft.
43560 X 42= 1,829,520 sq. ft.
43560 squared=208.710 '
In other words if an area is in fact a square acre all 4 sides would be 208.710' long.
Less than 10 Acres.
3 237 485.14 m2
Answer: 120 acres =0.1875 square miles5,227,200 square feet0.485622 square kilometers580,800 square yards485,622.77 square meters
The answer would depend entirely upon how large each plot is. For instance, many zoning codes do not allow plots to be any less than 2 acres in rural areas.
0.183655 acres × 6 = (6 × 0.183655) acres = 1.10193 acres
42 acres is equivalent to 0.169967 square kilometers
measure it yourself
The population of Les Cent-Acres is 42.
Answer: .42 acres = 18,295.2 ft²
The US's 1876 Centennial fairgrounds covered 450 acres with an additional 42 acres given for displays o livestock and agricultural machinery. It was the largest festival in US history.
No. The Taj Mahal spreads over 42 acres.
it is 42 acres
42 acres
8000 acres.
1,829,520 ft2
1 square mile = 640 acres. 26,800 acres = almost 42 sq miles... (41.875) If that is your ranch... I'm for hire.
640 acres = 1 square mile