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Q: How life would be without multiplication?
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You can't. Multiple is how you do multiplication

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It is possible to live a long and productive life without ever multiplying a negative number outside of a classroom.

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life without ukulele would be dissapointing

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You use it all the time, without thinking about it: if you do an addition or multiplication, you assume that there is a solution.

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Life would stink.

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There would be no life.

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There would be no life because without the geometry of the water molecule, there would be no water. No water, no life.

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Life would be nothing there's really nothing life would be without adrenal glands because really god created people such as( life) so to me i think life would live without adrenal glands;

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A quadrilateral is a shape with four sides. A life without quadrilaterals would mean a life without squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and rhombuses.

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Addition, sum would be multiplication.

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Life would not exist.

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There would be no life without energy. No life will sustain.